Friday, July 26, 2013


Insights from the Farm ~ by Farmacist Greg

Have you considered purging some of those toxins that you are carrying around? Accumulated toxins can be accommodated in the body by storage in fat tissue. Weight loss can be difficult if your body is holding on to the fat in order to store toxic substances to keep them from circulating in the body, causing damage.

Why detoxify?

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution and especially since WW2, we have been exposed to over two million newly manufactured chemicals with very little research on their cumulative effects. Our bodies have had very little time to adjust to their effects. Pesticides, herbicides, air and water pollution and the synthetic chemicals added to our processed foods all add to the burdens on our natural detoxification system. Certain foods and herbs can assist the elimination of these toxins that are over burdening our systems. The accumulation of toxins can overwhelm even the strongest body and skin, resulting in some of these health problems: acne, constipation, allergies, fatigue, bad breath, gastrointestinal disorder, weight issues, skin disorders, bloating, headaches, body odor, etc. So let your food be your medicine. If your organs of elimination are working correctly and we help them to flush out the toxic excesses we will see the benefit of improved health and vitality.

The psyllium husk powder in DetoxiPhi has long been used to detoxify the body. Psyllium husks are seed coatings from the herb Plantain psyllium. When soaked in water the psyllium husks form a muscillaginous coating which is capable of absorbing toxins from the gut. Toxins are then expelled in the feces. The consumption of psyllium has been shown in some studies to reduce cholesterol including the LDL fraction. Psyllium absorbs water to accomplish its bulking action so drink lots of water along with the DetoxiPhi.

Apples contain pectin which binds to toxins and takes them out of your body. Prunes are another fruit in DetoxiPhi that encourage bowel cleansing. A clean healthy bowel allows for detoxification of all the organs and the blood. Apple is a potent blood purifier and also supports the lymphatic system.

DetoxiPhi contains two herbs that encourage bowel peristalsis. Regular bowel movements are important for good health. Cascara sagrada is a powdered bark that induces contraction in the bowels. Small amounts like in DetoxiPhi act as a tonic and act to support the digestive process.  Senna leaf is a potent purgative, helping the elimination of toxins in the bowel and allowing the liver to clean itself up. Cinnamon balances the effects of the other two herbs, preventing cramping.

The benefits of detoxifying your body will include more energy, a greater feeling of well being and less illness. Remember to drink lots of water during your detox. The removal of toxins will improve the overall appearance and functioning of your body. You may see improvements in your skin for example. The skin becomes an accessory excretory organ when our livers are over loaded, causing skin problems like rashes. Skin issues are a warning sign that you may not be eliminating toxins that have accumulated due to diet and environment.

Click here to order a single 16 oz bag of DetoxiPhi... Or, for a full detox program you can find more information here...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just a Thought.....

Do You Listen to Your Lazy or Your Warrior?
"But I Don't Wanna!!!"

Does your body ever tell you this? Say, when your alarm goes off in the morning and you're just so comfy cozy in your bed? I know mine does. They say you're supposed to listen to your body. (Well, at least that's the excuse I use when I don't wanna). Then I realize, 'Hey, that's not my body. That's my Lazy kicking in.'

My Lazy. That little voice that makes things sound so good. That thing that makes the bad decisions sound a little less, well, bad. Have you met your Lazy? That creature that tells you it'd just be easier to eat that cupcake on the counter than chop up the fruit in your crisper? That evil little being that says twenty more minutes in bed will feel so much better than a 2 mile jog?

I've listened to my Lazy for way too long. My Lazy got me to 265 pounds. My Lazy had me creeping towards diabetes and heart disease, high cholesterol and a shorter life span. My Lazy needs to be a little less, well, lazy. My Lazy hasn't liked me the past several mornings. My Lazy tried to get me to roll over when the alarm went off.

My Lazy has been defeated with hikes, jogs and core exercises at 5:30am for the past week. My Warrior is enjoying a winning streak. My Warrior has gotten me out of bed and into my workout gear. My Warrior has gotten me outside for hikes and jogs and back inside for stretching and core work. My Warrior has been kicking my Lazy's butt. My Lazy has been left in the dust, wounded and disappointed. My Warrior is triumphant.

You can have all the support in the world. A top notch personal trainer. Kids who want to cheer you on. Family and friends who revel in your accomplishments. What you really need to find is your Warrior. My Lazy is a loud one, I tell ya. The attention seeker. The drama queen. My Warrior? Just a quiet voice inside. I found that I just needed to block out the rowdy noise to listen a little more closely so I could focus on my Warrior.

This morning, I realized my Warrior's real name is Shelby. My Warrior is me.

Just a thought...

As a top nutritionist, in today's article I want to talk to you about the one solitary hormone that can either make or break your weightloss journey...

In fact, if you don't learn to control this hormone, you might as well forget about losing fat at really is that big of a deal.

You see, back in my college days after struggling to lose weight over and over again no matter what I did, I finally stumbled upon the hormone that I now refer to as the "Fat Burning Hormone", and that hormone's name is leptin.

Leptin (derived from the Greek word leptos, meaning thin), is essentially the "master" hormone that more or less controls EVERY other weight loss hormone in your body... and your ability to burn fat as a whole.

You see, when you have leptin on your side, fat loss becomes easy. When you don't, losing even a single pound can become virtually impossible.

And here's the unfortunate news: just about everyone is unknowingly fighting a losing battle with leptin each and every time they attempt to lose weight.

You see, the REAL underlying reason you may have failed to lose weight in the past isn't for lack of trying, you don't have bad genetics, and there's nothing physically wrong with you... the truth is that you failed simply because you didn't know the simple ways to control your #1 weight loss hormone... leptin.

With that said, it's pretty easy to see why so many folks, and perhaps you're one of them, downright struggle to shed their unwanted body fat like I did, month after month, year after year.

Let me explain...

First, in order to burn fat, your body depends on these two things:

1) high levels of leptin
2) highly sensitive leptin "receptors" (which acts as the "lock" to leptin's "key")

Now for the bad news...

Anytime you go on a diet and reduce your calorie intake, leptin levels plummet and fat burning is dramatically reduced to a snail's pace.


Because leptin's main function is to protect your body against starvation, and in the midst of decreased food intake (i.e. dieting), your body unfortunately views your stored body fat as a huge asset to survival.

After all, body fat provides a vast supply of stored energy and warmth, both highly-valued resources when food is in short supply.

You see, when you go on a diet, your body isn't aware of your hopes for a slim, tight waistline or your desire to drop 20 lbs in time for your high school reunion or summer beach season. In fact, the only thing it does know is that your calorie intake is now below "normal"... and to your brain, that's a big red flag.

The result: reduced leptin levels and dramatically decreased fat burning.

In fact, research has shown that leptin levels drop by as much as 50% after just 7 days of dieting. That puts you at only 50% of your fat-burning potential just one WEEK in to your fat loss plan, and it only gets worse with each passing day.

And if that wasn't bad enough, with every pound you DO struggle to lose, leptin levels fall even further, making it even more difficult for you to continue to lose fat.


Because, as mentioned, in the face of calorie restriction, your body views stored body fat as an asset to survival. The more fat you lose, the more "danger" your body senses, and the harder it is to strip away that next pound.

Hello, fat loss plateaus!

Now, I hate to continue to be the bearer of bad news, but the scenario I just explained is actually only HALF the problem.

The other unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of people are ALSO suffering from a condition known as "leptin resistance" due to years of high body fat levels and a diet full of processed foods.

Leptin resistance simply means that even at high levels, leptin is no longer able to properly signal fat burning to your body, dramatically decreasing its fat loss effects.

That's a pretty disheartening truth for the fat loss enthusiast, but the good news is that there are 4 somewhat odd, but extremely effective strategies you can begin using today that will ultimately end your struggle with leptin once and for all and finally allow you to experience the excitement of seeing a thinner waist, flatter stomach, and a more defined body when looking back at yourself in the bathroom mirror each morning.

I share all 4 strategies with you on the next page:

Click Here

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jusst a thought....

9 Strategies to Burn More Calories During Exercise

Burn Calories and Blast Fat with These Fitness Tips

-- By Megan Patrick, Staff Writer
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Everyone wants to do more in less time. Just imagine how much you could get done if you had an extra hour or two a day! That may be a fantasy, but boosting the caloric burn—without spending more time in the gym—isn't. Use these smart strategies so your next workout does more for you!

Strategy #1: Crank Up Your Cardio

10 Smart Ways to Burn More Calories
Learn why it matters whether you do cardio before or after strength training, plus nine other ways to ramp up your cardio workouts for maximum calorie burn.

Strategy #2: Work Out in the Right Zone

Is Your Fat-Burning Furnace Fired Up?
Is the "fat burning" heart-rate zone really the key to torching calories and losing weight? The answer might surprise you. Find out how hard you should really be exercising for best results.

Strategy #3: Follow the Fat-Burning Fitness Facts

The Best Fat-Burning Advice
Separate fat-burning myths from truths and learn why exercising on an empty stomach might not be doing you any favors.

Strategy #4: Try Tabata Training

Tabata Training 101
This intense workout protocol will torch 13.5 calories per minute and double your metabolic rate for 30 minutes after you stop exercising!

Strategy #5: Clear Yourself of These Cardio Crimes

The 10 Worst Cardio Crimes
These common mistakes are zapping your calorie-burning potential. Are you guilty of any of them?

Strategy #6: Incorporate More Intervals

7 Good Reasons to Try Interval Training
Adding intervals to your regular cardio workout will burn more calories and more fat in less time. Here's how to do it.

Strategy #7: Pick Up a Kettlebell

We Iron Out the Facts on Kettlebell Training
Discover how this full-body workout uses both anaerobic and aerobic energy systems to burn more calories per minute than any other form of exercise.

Strategy #8: Pull Out Your Jump Rope

Jumping Rope for Fitness
Just 10 minutes of jumping rope provides the same fitness benefits as a 30-minute run! 'Nuff said!

Strategy #9: Burn 20% More Calories When You Walk

Nordic Walking for Fitness and Fun
Change up your routine and boost your calorie burn by using this walking technique.


Friday, July 12, 2013


15 Diet-Friendly Ice Cream Choices

Get the Scoop on Picking a Healthier Ice Cream

-- By Leanne Beattie, Health Writer and Stepfanie Romine, Staff Writer
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  • Frozen yogurt is yogurt that is frozen using a technique similar to soft serve. While lower in calories and fat than ice cream, not all frozen yogurt is made with live and active cultures the way that standard yogurt is. To make sure that a frozen yogurt contains "yogurt" and a significant amount of live and active cultures, look for the National Yogurt Association (NYA) Live & Active Cultures seal. Without that seal, frozen yogurt does not contain any probiotics.
  • Gelato. This Italian ice cream doesn't have as much air as traditional ice cream, so it has a much denser texture.
  • Ice cream. As if you needed an explanation, this frozen treat is made from milk or cream, sugar and flavorings. The FDA requires that ice creams with solid additions (nuts, chocolate, fruit, etc.) contain at least 8 percent milk fat, while plain ice creams are required to have at least 10 percent milk fat. "French" ice cream is usually made with a cooked egg custard base.
  • Ice milk is made with lower-fat milk than ice cream, making it less creamy. However, it does contain fewer calories than ice cream.
  • Italian ice (also called Granita) is a mix of juice (or other liquid like coffee), water and sugar, usually in a 4:1 ratio of liquid to sugar. The ices are stirred frequently during freezing to give it a flaky texture. These are almost always fat-free, contain minimal additives and are the lowest in calories of all frozen desserts.
  • Sherbet has a fruit juice base but often contains some milk, egg whites or gelatin to thicken and richen it. It's a creamy version of sorbet (see below).
  • Slow-churned (double churned) ice cream is made through low-temperature extrusion, to make light ice cream taste richer, creamier, and more like the full-fat variety. Look for the terms "cold churned," "slow churned" or "double churned" on the label, which refers to the extrusion’s churning process. Extrusion distributes the milk fat evenly throughout the product for added richness and texture without adding extra calories. By law, "light" ice cream must contain at least 50% less fat or 33% fewer calories than regular full-fat varieties.
  • Soft-serve is a soft "ice cream" that contains double the amount of air as standard ice cream, which stretches the ingredients and creates a lighter texture. It's lower in fat and calories, but it often contains fillers and additives.
  • Sorbet, softer in consistency than a sherbet, is usually fruit and sugar that has been frozen. Its texture more "solid" and less flaky than Italian ice. Continued ›

Just a Thought....

Healthy Inspiration from SparkPeople

Motivational Quote - Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.

SparkPeople's Comments

Everyone knows that most resolutions set January 1 are history by February 1. In the next couple of weeks, you’ll read a lot about New Year’s resolutions and tips for “how to really do it this year.” But tips and ideas alone won’t get it done. It’s funny how all the time, energy and resources seem to be put into setting goals, while their actual achievement is just expected to take care of itself. Without a concrete plan and the right resources, it’s too easy to fall back into old habits. Real change takes time – and needs help. The key is to surround yourself with reminders that make your goals tough to ignore and impossible to forget. Finally, you need to actually do what you promised. You’re ultimately accountable to yourself and nobody else for your goals. You will find virtue and character in fulfilling that promise. After all, goal achievement is something you do year-round, not just in January.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


"On the whole, tho’ I never arrived at the Perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, but fell far short of it, yet as I was, by the Endeavor, a better and a happier Man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it."
- Benjamin Franklin

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Just a thought...

 Energy and persistence conquer all things. -Benjamin Franklin


7 Strength Training Excuses: Busted!

Get Over the Excuses to Get Stronger

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Remember when you were a kid and claimed that your dog ate your homework, when really you just didn't get around to writing your book report? Of course, your teacher knew you were fibbing. While most of us are past blaming the dog instead of taking responsibility for our actions, this doesn't mean that we're beyond using excuses—whether we realize it or not.

As a personal trainer and fitness instructor, I've heard almost every reason under the sun for why people "can't" be active, let alone do something specific like lifting weights for the recommended 20 to 30 minutes twice a week. However, outside of an actual health condition and a doctor's note saying that strength training isn't recommended, lifting weights is so beneficial to the majority of people that all excuses are busted pretty quickly.

The benefits of weight training are numerous, including increased muscle strength, balance, bone density, lean muscle mass, insulin sensitivity and cardio endurance—not to mention that strong, lean muscles simply look better! So if you've been making excuses and opting out of weight training, read on to get the (nice) kick in the workout pants that you need to start benefiting from regular strength training.

Busting 7 Common Strength Training Excuses
Excuse #1: Strength training is boring. If you get bored easily or like activities that are a little more fast-paced and engaging, then strength training really is for you—the sky is the limit! From groupclasses that pair lifting weights to fun music, to suspension training with the TRX, workout DVDs, free weights,  kettlebells, circuit training (more on that below) and even using your own body weight at home while watching TV, the options are endless—and certainly not boring.

The strength training workout for you: Hit up your gym to find an engaging strength class, or check out this 20-minute dumbbell workout with Coach Nicole

Excuse #2: I don't have time for strength and cardio. The best thing about strength training is that it can double as cardio if you do it the right way! There are three basic ways to do this. First, you can add some cardio moves, such as mountain climbers or jumping jacks or marching in place, between different strength exercises to get your heart rate up and keep it elevated through your entire workout. Second, you can do a circuit-training type format where you have no rest between exercises and perform moves that work major muscle groups (such as lunges, squats and push-ups which target multiple muscles). This also keeps your heart rate elevated, giving you a high calorie burn and working your cardiovascular system. Third, you can do strength moves that work the lower body with the upper body (for example a lunge with a bicep curl), to really get your heart pumping.
Continued ›Excuse #6: I don't want to get hurt. Moving your body in new ways and lifting weights can certainly make you more susceptible to injury. But, if you warm up properly, lift weights using proper form, understand the difference between soreness and pain and really listen to your body (not pushing it too hard, especially in the beginning), the benefits of strength training far outweigh the risks.

The strength-training workout for you: Sign up for a session with a certified personal trainer to show you the basics of strength training including proper form, breathing and appropriate weight selections. Also be sure to read these tips to stay injury-free!

7. I'm trying to lose weight, so cardio is more important. When it comes to weight loss, a calorie burned is a calorie burned, no matter how you go about it. And the whole idea behind losing weight is cutting calories through both diet and exercise—not just cardio exercise either. In fact, many strength workouts like bootcamps, kettlebell training and circuit training can count as cardio (see excuse #2 above) and help you burn more calories than easy- to moderate-intensity cardio does. In addition, strength training adds muscle to your body, which boosts your metabolism, as muscle burns more calories per ounce than fat. It can also help to reshape and tighten your body.

Bottom line: If you're using excuses to keep you from lifting weights, it's time to drop the nay-saying and just try it. Strength training is an essential activity for overall health that will help your body composition, thereby making weight-loss easier. So don't delay; try strength training today!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Just a thought...

Each of our views on food and activity were shaped by our unique life experiences. Don't expect to feel the same way that others do. 

The Portion Distortion Guide...

The Portion Distortion Guide

A List of Serving Sizes

-- By Nicole Nichols, Fitness Instructor & Health Educator
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Selecting the right foods also means choosing portions that are proper serving sizes. The terms "portion" and "serving" are often used interchangeably, but they don't mean the same thing. A "portion" is the amount of food you choose to eat for meals or snacks (like a plateful of pasta or a handful of raisins). In comparison a "serving" is the amount of food that experts recommend you eat (like 1 cup of milk or 1 ounce of bread). Servings are listed on a food's nutrition facts label too. When choosing your portion, try to make it as close as possible to these recommended serving sizes.

Grains: Aim for 6-11 servings each day. Choose whole grains whenever possible.

ExamplesOne serving equalsThat's about the size of
Bread1 ounce (1 small slice, 1/2 bagel, 1/2 bun)Index card
Cooked Grains1/2 cup cooked oats, rice, pastaBilliard ball
Dry cereal1/2 cup flakes, puffed rice, shredded wheatBilliard ball

Fruits and Vegetables: Aim 5-9 total servings each day. Choose fresh fruits and veggies whenever possible.

ExamplesOne serving equalsThat's about the size of
Raw fruit1/2 cup raw, canned, frozen fruitBilliard ball
Dried fruit1/4 cup raisins, prunes, apricotsAn egg
Juice6 oz 100% fruit or vegetable juiceHockey puck
Raw vegetables1 cup leafy greens, baby carrotsBaseball
Cooked vegetables1/2 cup cooked broccoli, potatoesBilliard ball

Meat and Beans: Aim for 2-3 servings each day. Choose lean meats and plant proteins whenever possible.

ExamplesOne serving equalsThat's about the size of
Meat & Tofu2-3 oz cooked beef, poultry, fish, tofuDeck of cards
Beans1/2 cup cooked beans, split peas, legumesBilliard ball
Nuts & Seeds2 Tbsp nuts, seeds, or nut buttersPing pong ball

Dairy: Aim for 2-3 servings of calcium-rich foods each day. Choose low- or non-fat products whenever possible.

ExamplesOne serving equalsThat's about the size of
Cheese1 ounce or 1 thin slice of cheeseA pair of dice
Milk1 cup milk, yogurt, soy milkBaseball

Fats & Oils: Eat fats and oils sparingly and in small portions. Choose heart-healthy fats whenever possible.

ExamplesOne serving equalsThat's about the size of
Fat & Oil1 tsp butter, margarine, oilOne die