Tuesday, March 5, 2013

20 Day Fitness Challenge to Spring into March!

Feel Better and Get Fitter by Spring!

Kathy Babcock

It's almost March, which means we've made it through the worst of winter (knock on wood!). Can you believe that spring is less than a month away? Although the arrival of spring promises warmer weather and better conditions for exercising outdoors, it might also make some of us realize that we hibernated a little too much over the winter. Maybe you skipped a few workouts due to bad weather or the flu, or the winter blues derailed even your best efforts to stay consistent. It can be hard to get active again after a lull in your exercise plan, but it's entirely possible to get back on your feet. And we're here to help you do it!

From tomorrow, March 1st, through March 20th (the official first day of spring!), we're challenging YOU to ''Streak into Spring'' with us. For the next 20 days, make a point to fit at least 10 minutes of exercise into your day, and keep the streak going right up until the end of winter. You can do whatever you'd like—running, walking, strength training moves, intervals, etc. As long as you're moving and getting your heart rate up, anything goes!

The best part? We'll be there to support you along the way. Each day of the challenge, TweetPin, +1 or comment on our Facebook page using the hashtag #streakintospring to stay accountable and let us know how you're doing. Then, we'll serve up tips and encouragement to keep you headed in the right direction! We will also be posting daily on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ to check in with your progress using the same #streakintospring hashtag.

At SparkPeople, we've seen time and time again how our members have made small, consistent actions that snowball into bigger lifestyle changes. We KNOW that making an effort to spend a daily chunk of time on your fitness (even a tiny chunk) will help you revamp your goals and step into spring on a healthier, happier and more energized note! Are you up for the challenge? Let's start streaking!

If you don't use social media, start a SparkStreak and update your SparkPage status or blog every day to keep yourself accountable! 

What do you think? Will you "Streak into Spring" with us?

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