Sunday, June 2, 2013

Just a Thought.......

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A round-up of the most interesting and thought-provoking stories of the week. 

How does your hometown stack up among fittest cities? We just checked out the list of fittest/healthiest and least fit/unhealthiest cities in America. Cincinnati, home to SparkPeople HQ, is #13 on the list--WooHoo! The top 5: Minneapolis-St. Paul, DC, Portland, San Francisco and Denver. From USA Today

‘Fat Talk’ Compels but Carries a Cost Stop commiserating with your friends about your body. Research shows that while most women neither like nor admire “fat talk,” it is contagious. (93% of college women have engaged in body hating with their peers.) From NYT’s Well blog

Archaeologists Officially Declare Collective Sigh Over “Paleo Diet” A group of esteemed anthropologists, archaeologists, and molecular biologists weighed on the Paleo lifestyle at a two-day conference dedicated to the popular “caveman diet.”  The scientists’ protest stemmed not from the nutritional benefits of the diet—with many citing the detrimental long-term effects of a high-carb diet—but from the inaccurate biological and historical arguments that Paleo proponents cite.

18 Things You Can Get Rid of Today Sure, summer’s almost here, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late for spring cleaning and decluttering. It feels great to rid your life of unwanted objects, making way for things you really do need. From Family Circle

25 Ways to Burn 100 Calories Just Like That Get more than two dozen tips to boost your metabolism, including a great one from our very own dietitian, Becky Hand, co-author of The Spark Solution. From Redbook

Decadent Desserts—150 Calories and Under! With recipes like these, you can have dessert every night! From Self

10 Fun Ways to Reduce Your Cortisol Levels Cortisol is a stress hormone that can influence weight gain. Find out how to lower your cortisol levels—while having fun!From MindBodyGreen

10 Foods to Never Eat While we don’t like to label foods “good” and “bad,” there are some foods that offer little in terms of nutritional value or that can harm your health if eaten in excess. Here’s a list of 10 you might not want to put in your shopping cart—much less your mouth. From Fitness

75 Tips for Summer Fun Have fun and stay safe with this comprehensive round-up of tips. From Woman’s Day

No-Bake Dark Chocolate Coconut Bites I have but one word for these diminutive treats: Yum! (I bet you could swap in protein powder for the cocoa powder to give these staying power.) From Food52

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